Copyto Is Not A Member Of System Io Compression Gzipstream
Note that retrieving data from a remote service via the network can be significantlyslower than retrieving data from a local file system, and will depend on network latencyand bandwidth between the client and server systems. If you are experiencing poorperformance, there are several things you can try. One option is to increase the arraychunk size, which will reduce the number of chunks and thus reduce the number of networkround-trips required to retrieve data for an array (and thus reduce the impact of networklatency). Another option is to try to increase the compression ratio by changingcompression options or trying a different compressor (which will reduce the impact oflimited network bandwidth).
makeBiocFileCacheFromDataFrame takes an existing data.frame and creates aBiocFileCache object. The cache location can be specified by the cacheargument. The cache must not already exist and the user will be prompted tocreate the location. If the user opts 'N', the cache will be created in atemporary directory and this function will have to be run again upon a new Rsession. The original data.frame must contain the required BiocFileCache columnsrtype, rpath, and fpath as described in the section 1.2 "Creating /Loading the Cache". The optional columns rname, last_modified_time, etagand expires may also be specified in the original data.frame although are notrequired and will be populated with defaults if missing. For resources withrtype="local", the actionLocal will control if the local copy of the file iscopied or moved to the cache location, or if it is left asis on the localsystem; A local copy of the file must exist if the resource is identified asrtype=local. For resources with rtype="web", actionWeb will control if thelocal copy of the remote file is copied or moved to the cache location. It is arequirement of BiocFileCache that all remote resources download their local copyto the cache location. A local copy of the file does not have to exist and canbe downloaded into the cache at a later time. Any additional columns of theoriginal data.frame besides those required or optional BiocFileCache columns,are separated and added to the BiocFileCache as a meta data table with the namegiven as metadataName. See section 1.6 on "Adding Metadata". 1e1e36bf2d